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The mega-city in Latin America
Abstract from the publisher :
By the year 2000, Latin America will contain five metropolitan areas with more than 8 million people. Their combined population will be over 70 million, and approximately one Latin American in seven will live in those…
Globalization and the sustainability of cities in the Asia Pacific region
Abstract from the publisher :
In Globalization and the Sustainability of Cities in the Asia-Pacific Region, scholars from around the region analyse the impacts of globalisation on cities in the Asia-Pacific. This collection of essays forms a…
Mots-clés: Asia, Asie, développement durable, économie, gouvernance, Lo Fu-chen, Marcotullio Peter J., migration, mondialisation, Pacific, Pacifique, ville durable
The urban challenge in Africa : Growth and management of its large cities
Extract from the Foreword by Heitor Gurgulino de Souza :
With contributions from prominent urban planning scholars and experts in Africa, The Urban Challenge in Africa: Growth and Management of Its Large Cities, edited by Professor Carole Rakodi of…
Globalization, urban form and governance
Abstract from the publisher :
This Conference Book compiles the summary-papers that win be presented at the First Conference of the ALFA-IBIS Network. Part One is an introductory chapter containing a short history of the ALFA-IBIS project, the…
Writing cities 1
From the Introduction by Suzanne Hall, Melissa Fernández Arrigoitía and Cecilia Dinardi :
The writing which this volume brings together is as multifaceted as are its objects of investigation. Ranging from theoretical or design-based…
City at the point : Essays on the social history of Pittsburgh
Abstract from the publisher :
An overview of scholarly research, both published and previously unpublished, on the history of a city that has often served as a case study for measuring social change. It synthesizes the literature and assesses how…
Mots-clés: Hays Samuel P., histoire urbaine, Pittsburgh, société urbaine, urbanisation, urbanité
Urban development : A new perspective
Abstract from the publisher :
Although it has often been taken as a general definition of the city and urban culture (whence the commonsense notion that cities must fulfill commercial functions), Pirenne's fomulation was deficient because only the…
Rural-urban dynamics in Francophone Africa
Abstract from the publisher :
This book present some examples of the richness and variety of contemporary research on rural-urban interactions by francophone researchers. Case studies are drawn from Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Congo, Benin,…
Mots-clés: Africa, Afrique, Afrique francophone, Baker Jonathan, Bénin, Burkina Faso, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Francophone Africa, rural, ruralité, Sénégal, territoire, Togo
Small town Africa : Studies in rural-urban interaction
Abstract from the publisher :
Small towns have often been considered as unimportant and have been largely ignored by policy-makers and researchers. Instead, attention was focussed on the large city or on rural development and agricultural change…
The city of transition and the transition of cities II : Urban geography (Vol. 26, No. 3)
Contents :
Lynn A. Staeheli - Editorial : Can American cities be sites of citizenship? What can we do about it?
Yehua Dennis Wei - Planning Chinese cities : The limits of transitional institutions*
Ya Ping Wang - Low-income communities and urban…
Mots-clés: citoyenneté, géographie urbaine, participation
Women and urban settlement
Extract from the Editorial :
The articles in this edition examine gender issues and human settlement, and emphasise the interconnectedness of all aspects of women's and men's lives, and the links between people's physical surroundings and what they…
Urbanization and growth
From the back cover :
First in a series of thematic volumes, this book was prepared for the Commission on Growth and Development to evaluate the state of knowledge of the relationship between urbanization and economic growth. It does not pretend to…
Urbanization, population, environment and security
Extract from the Introduction :
The Comparative Urban Studies Project at the Woodrow Wilson Center began a project in 1997 designed to both identify factors that contribute to making urban areas centers of violence and poverty and propose policy…
Building cities : Neighbourhood upgrading and urban quality of life
Abstract from the publisher :
Published by the Institutional Capacity and Finance Sector of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Cities Alliance, this publication documents the evolution of settlement upgrading programmes both in theory and…
Ethnic Amsterdam : Immigrants and urban change in the twentieth century
Abstract from the publisher :
Over the centuries, people from all parts of the world have been drawn to the city of Amsterdam. While immigrants adapted to local customs, opportunities and constraints, their practices and habits have left indelible…
The Atlanta paradox
Abstract from the publisher:
Despite the rapid creation of jobs in the greater Atlanta region, poverty in the city itself remains surprisingly high, and Atlanta's economic boom has yet to play a significant role in narrowing the gap between the…
Mots-clés: Atlanta, économie, emploi, étalement urbain, inégalité, pauvreté, race, ségrégation urbaine, Sjoquist David L., société urbaine, travail
Les nouveaux Cahiers de l'Académie d'Architecture
En novembre 2007, l'Académie d'Architecture a mis en ligne et en libre accès sa nouvelle publication.
En 2009, un seul numéro est en ligne, le Cahier N°1 qui a pour thème "Questions à la…
Mots-clés: architecture, territoire, ville dense, ville monde
Prospective urbaine et politique de la ville
La quatrième livraison de la revue d’études et de prospective de la Délégation interministériel à l'aménagement et à la compétitivité des territoires (Diact) consacré…
Egypte / Monde arabe
Egypte /Monde arabe est une revue de sciences sociales publiée au Caire par le Cedej (Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales) qui s’adresse aussi bien au professionnels de la recherche…