Extract from the preface :
In broad terms, the thesis of this book is that a socialist city did indeed develop, but that its characteristics and thus its distinctiveness are an amalgam, on the one hand of socialist features deriving from Marxist…
Pendant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, l'Egypte connaît d'importantes mutations économiques, sociales et politiques. Durant cette période, sa capitale, Le Caire, subit une croissance considérable, sa surface urbanisée est multipliée par deux et…
Présentation par l'éditeur :
Depuis la fin du Moyen-âge, la ville de Lyon a donné lieu à quantité de représentations graphiques : vues à vol d’oiseau, panoramiques ou perspectives,…
En France, les Plans de Déplacements Urbains (PDU) visent à favoriser la mobilité pour tous et à trouver un équilibre entre la voiture, les transports collectifs et les autres modes de transport, avec la volonté de promouvoir une mobilité durable.…
Abstract from the publisher :
Launched in 2002, Planning Theory is an international peer-reviewed forum for the critical exploration of planning theory. The journal publishes the very best research covering the latest debates and developments…
Organisers' description :
The past two decades have witnessed the emergence throughout Asia of the idea that, through the development of large scale, controlled urban environments master planned and managed on a commercial basis by private…
Abstract from the publisher: Planning Perspectives is an international peer-reviewed journal of history, planning and the built environment. It is affiliated to the International Planning History Society, an interdisciplinary organisation that…
Abstract from the publisher : Planning Perspectives is an international peer-reviewed journal of history, planning and the built environment, publishing historical and prospective articles on aspects of city development anywhere in the world.…
Abstract from the publisher : Planning Perspectives is an international peer-reviewed journal of history, planning and the built environment, publishing historical and prospective articles on aspects of city development anywhere in the world.…
Abstract from the publisher : Planning Perspectives is a peer-reviewed international journal of history, planning and the environment, publishing historical and prospective articles on many aspects of plan making and implementation. Subjects…
Planning Perspectives, revue internationale britannique multithématique publiant des manuscrits traitant de l’histoire de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement urbain, vient de publier son Volume 23 Issue 3.
Sommaire :
Abstract from the publisher : Does planning in contested cities inadvertedly make the divisions worse? The 60s and 70s saw a strong role of planning, social engineering, etc but there has since been a move towards a more decentralised…
This thesis is about shrinking cities and planning. Urban growth has been a synonym of success throughout the world; and even considered the true and sole reason for planning. Even though shrinkage is as old as growth, it has become more visible…
This paper develops the idea of taking into account the systemic effects of public policies for sustainable transport in long-term scenarios. A comprehensive assessment of these effects is a particularly important factor in identifying potential…
So-called ‘gated' communities have become common throughout the continents of Asia and America. Such communities are characterised by the ability to provide public goods and perform governance functions, independent of central and local government.…
Abstract from the publisher : In Asian Cities: Risks and Resilience, Stephen Hamnett and Dean Forbes have brought together some of the region’s most distinguished urbanists to explore the planning history and recent development of Pacific…
Cet article vise à suivre le cheminement de l’idée de continuité naturelle à travers le vocabulaire, ses significations et ses usages, dans les documents d’urbanisme de deux études de cas en contextes provincial et parisien (agglomération d’Angers et…
Cet article examine la diffusion de l’unité de voisinage en France après 1945, sa signification dans les discours urbanistiques, dans la conception puis la critique des grands ensembles. Élaborée au début des années 1920 aux États-Unis par Clarence…