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Immigration areas: areas of arrival or areas of settlement? the case of Belleville.

Immigrant community structures have been mainly associated with the early phase of immigrant settlement. According to this model, such structures disappear in the…

Where does the city end?

The «new city dwellers» live further and further from the city itself: inhabited by farmers in the past, the dwellings of the rural aeras are now occupied by a great number of people working every day in metropolis. Even if…

En matière de mortalité, les inégalités entre les arrondissements ou quartiers de Paris et entre les secteurs de la Petite Couronne sont sensiblement supérieures à celles que l'on rencontre entre les différents départements de la France…

The space of education inequalities in Brussels.

The geography of education inequalities in Brussels is measured through schooling rates, residence-school distances and school lagging and abandonment. It shows a correspondance with the global…

Politique et évolution de l'urbanisation dans la banlieue de Copenhague.

Cet article étudie l'évolution de la banlieue de Copenhague et l'influence des formes initiales de la périurbanisation sur la formation des paysages sociaux et politiques…

Yuju Hu, Rentao Huang, Lifan Fai. 1. The basic situation of China's population mapping . In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1991-3. Méthodes de cartographie statistique des populations - Statistical population mapping. pp. 519-522.

Théry Hervé, Waniez Philippe. Les populations du Brésil.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1991-2. Les franges périurbaines Peri-urban fringes. pp. 409-421.

Nag Prithvish, Désiré Joëlle. 2. Cartographie des populations en Inde : nouvelles tendances. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1991-3. Méthodes de cartographie statistique des populations - Statistical population mapping. pp. 523-526.

Although most foreign workers in Western Europe are wage labourers there are also other forms of work organisation present. In Vienna there exists an intermediate category of the self-employed who are at the same time under contract to a major…

Dupâquier Jacques. L'avenir démographique de l'Ile-de-France. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1993-1. Mélanges - Miscellanies. pp. 93-99.

L'Ile-de-France reste déficitaire dans ses échanges migratoires avec la province, mais ce déficit s'est nettement réduit depuis 1982. Les entrées augmentent, et les sorties diminuent pour la première fois depuis 1954. La géographie des gains et des…

Town, schooling system and social inequalities.

The progress made in schooling for all stands out even more in the towns where the biggest schools and universities are to be found. However, disparities still exist and sometines are intensified for…

The revisited urban periphery.

Thèse last decades have shown a marked break with the contiguity in the urban development processes. At the same time as the increase of mobilities of all kinds by individuals and the decentralisation of activities to…

Dans le contexte particulier du marché immobilier parisien, les étudiants qui parviennent à habiter seuls un logement indépendant constituent une petite minorité. La plupart trouve à se loger par le biais d'une cohabitation (au sens générique du…

The suburbanisation does not exist as such in the USSR with the meaning one has of the phenomena in Western cities. Though one may notice some limited transfers of industrial activities demanding a lot of space or polluting ones, even research…

Cracow peri-urban area.

Périurbanisation in Cracow voivoidship encompasses various processes and mechanisms, like in the whole Poland. If we assume perirurbanisation as being an overspill of the city into the countryside, two main mutations -…

What evaluation of the Portuguese immigration in France teaches us?

The study of the Portuguese immigration in France presents an efficient pattern for the knowledge of international migrations: about 800 000 people were involved in this movement,…
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