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Space, Natural Resources and Social Needs in Burkina Faso: what Future for the Environment ?

The article analyses population-environment relationships in a country of the Sahel region which is partly affected by aridity. The situation is serious in…

More than a Thousand Million young People

The question of youth has not been much studied as well by geographers as by demographers, particularly the differences at the world scale. Concepts are vague and difficult to transpose from a part of the…

Diverses enquêtes récentes ont attiré l'attention sur le caractère flou, voire réversible, de la notion de «passage à l'âge adulte» qui s'effectuerait aujourd'hui plus tardivement, à cause notamment d'un marché du travail moins accueillant. La…

Labour markets are changing dramatically. Our research group at the Department of Geography at the University of Munich is especially interested in the gendered dimensions within the context of economic and social processes of labour market…

Urban Violence and Male Spatial Identity.

The theme of urban violence has swept into the fields of politics, ethics, and is getting in the economic one. The authors of the damages seem well identified. When referring to the media, public…

The Mission, the San Francisco « Barrio»: the Making of an Hispanic Neighborhood and its Commercial Street in the United States (1950-2000).

Today, the Mission neighborhood in San Francisco is identified as the Hispanic neighborhood of the city -…

This paper examines the problems and issues of Post-Soviet immigrants of Jewish origin, who came to the United States from European part of the former Soviet Union in the 1990s and currently live in the Los Angeles area, namely, in the City of West…

La structure et l'évolution du parc immobilier résidentiel de l'ancien bassin minier du Nord - Pas-de-Calais découlent de l'histoire du tissu socio-économique et de la conjonction des évolutions démographique et économique. Les mêmes interactions…

La question du logement permet d'éclairer de nombreux aspects des redistributions spatiales qui s'opèrent dans la Baie de San Francisco sous la pression d'une forte immigration asiatique et hispanique. À Oakland, la politique de logement du maire…

Qu'elles s'exercent dans la vie de couple, au travail ou dans l'espace public, les violences interpersonnelles envers les femmes prises en compte par l'enquête Enveff se décomposent en quatre types : agressions verbales, pressions et harcèlement…

L'objectif de cet article est de faire un état de la question sur la discrimination des femmes dans l'espace et de l'illustrer par la situation de Bruxelles. Une revue de la littérature internationale conduit à la conclusion d'une très grande…

Conditioned by the largely rejecting and discriminatory socio-political climates in the United States and the transplanted Chinese cultural traditions, the Chinese in metropolitan Chicago before WW II displayed striking occupation concentration and…

Women, Power and Municipal Policies in the Quebec Metropolitan Area.

The participation of women in the political sphere has not progressed as rapidly as their participation in the labour force. This creates a problem since the feminization of the…
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