Les notions de renouvellement urbain et de développement urbain durable ont émergé simultanément dans les discours publics français au cours des années 1990 , portent toutes deux en elles une vision critique des politiques urbaines des décennies de…
Les demandeurs d'emploi parisiens présentent un risque anormalement élevé de chômage de longue durée, ceteris paribus. Il s'agit là d'un phénomène spécifique à Paris qui touche de façon assez uniforme l'ensemble des arrondissements et concerne moins…
Nous effectuons un testing afin de mesurer la discrimination dans l'accès à l'emploi des jeunes de banlieue parisienne en considérant à la fois leur origine et leur lieu de résidence. Nous mesurons simultanément les effets du lieu de résidence…
Dealing with ambiances requires many skills: the ones of inhabitants who live in them, the ones of policy makers, urban technicians, legal experts who make rules, the ones of researchers who connect theory and practice, and the ones of artists who…
La mise en œuvre du RSA a modifié en profondeur le paysage des aides sociales en France. Une enquête ad hoc a été menée auprès de 189 villes de plus de 20 000 habitants ou communautés de communes, rassemblant 13 millions d'habitants, soit près de 20…
Nous mesurons la discrimination à l'embauche selon l'aptitude à la mobilité, signalée dans le CV par la possession d'un permis moto, sur la base d'un testing réalisé fin 2008 et début 2009 pour des profils de jeunes contrôleurs de gestion résidant à…
La discrimination à l'embauche à l'encontre des jeunes en Île-de-France est étudiée à travers trois effets : réputation du lieu de résidence, sexe et origine (française ou maghrébine). Les données résultent d'un protocole de testing : entre mi…
Partant d'une analyse monographique des secteurs d'activités franciliens ayant des effets favorables sur la biodiversité, nous sommes en mesure de recenser les bio-emplois en Ile-de-France et les emplois induits à l'échelle nationale. Les "…
Many occidental megalopolises have experienced a dramatic polarization between a vibrant and intense town center and a suburban sprawl eventually magnified and encouraged by large retail centers linked to highway hubs. On the opposite, Tokyo's…
This paper presents the experience and some results in the incorporation of the concept of ambience in the studies and intervention projects aimed at environmental policies within CETESB, Environmental Company of São Paulo State. The environmental…
The results obtained during my research of master revealed that the poor quality of outdoor space group is the main cause of discomfort experienced by the users (Lamraoui, 2001). To do so, in this study, drawn from my PhD research in progress, we…
Often, when we choose buildings to be categorized as heritage, it is the building as a whole that calls for protection and not only some specific detail that is worth preserving. In this case, the values of the building not only relate to the…
Stations, airports, subways, ports, as forcedly loaded with people and therefore with potential clients, are attracting more and more commercial activities, overturning the relationships where the commercial dimension almost justifies the…
Place of memory but also of history, the Algerian old towns are characterised by a traditional urban structure, a powerful commercial device of old vocation, the lot associated to a big sense of community. Today, while construction develops along…
In recent years, the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) has set to question at the assumptions on which architects operate. We have embarked on the study and revision of an undeclared territory of false assumptions, preconceptions, and attitudes…
The social demand of city dwellers concerns safer and sustainable urban spaces. This expectation directly challenges all the actors involved in city-making, urban planners and architects. However, safety is currently not considered as an essential…
This paper examines the hybrid condition of Taipei's built environment within its socio-cultural context and daily activity of the city. It also points out certain forward-looking policies adopted by the City Government that over the last decades…
Two years ago I lived for 11 months in the 17th floor of a high-rise building in Shanghai. My bedroom had a small bow window, a privileged observatory; wherefrom everyday I looked at the city. From there, there wasn't architecture anymore, there…
In these large urban development strategies, Morocco has often accompanied the promotion of these new urban projects images of medinas moods. This approach is taken to extremes, when blazing new medinas are projected in the new towns (Tamesna (2005)…
The history of window display in France during the fifties and sixties tells us about the creation of strong relationships between this decorative art and theatre. Although decorations and classical principles of composition inherited from the old…