This chapter introduces the interdisciplinary approach to water services chosen in the book. It argues that water services are more than pipe-networks, they are sociotechnical networks with a significant human dimension. This dimension is explored in…
Collaborative transportation and logistics pooling are relatively new concepts in research, but are very popular in practice. In the last years, collaborative transportation seems a good city logistics alternative to classical urban consolidation…
Qu'entendons-nous aujourd'hui par le mot " frontières " ? D'un point de vue géopolitique tout d'abord, celles-ci délimitent des territoires, tracent une cartographie des cultures, des droits, ou encore des populations. D'un point de vue spatial…
Près de deux ans après la révolution du 25 janvier, Le Caire, principal théâtre des protestations, vit un moment paradoxal qui peut être compris comme une répercussion à l'échelle urbaine des changements politiques et sociaux en cours en Égypte.…
Premier grand prix de sculpture en 1919, le parisien Raymond Delamarre se positionne dans le nouvel ordre plastique néo-classique du groupe des prix de Rome des années 20 (peintres Dupas, Roganeau, Billotey, Pougheon et Despujols, sculpteurs…
This research paper explores the origin and articulation of two notions embedded in the European water framework directive: the reference conditions and the economic performance. The story of the 2nd wave of environmentalism in California in relation…
The purpose of this paper is to explain how, in developing countries, the poor have creatively appropriated risky areas where urban settlement is prohibited, resulting in territories rich in organic and unique forms, adapted to the morphological…
Our era is often described as a moment of globalization and urbanization. The two words, often used interchangeably, describe movements and concentration of populations in 'new' places often Diasporas described as centers of 'development'. At both…
This article explores the concept of slum upgrading as understood by Muungano wa Wanavijiji (MWW), a federation of slum dwellers in Nairobi (hereafter referred to as Muungano). It discusses different issues related to slum upgrading projects in…
This article presents the slum upgrading activities of the Nairobi People Settlement Network (NPSN) beginning with an historical background of this movement. It focuses on the participation of the community in these processes through highlighting…
Tenure has often been cited as the underlying reason for the wanting physical state that defines slums in Nairobi. The contrary view is that secure tenure would bestow physical environments befitting urban spaces. These positions are hardly…
This paper gives an overview of slum upgrading in Kenya observing that slums are a major urban housing phenomena in Kenya that require immediate attention. Rather than demolishing them, which renders many people homeless, they should be upgraded…
This article discusses two Kenyan government initiatives in slum upgrading: the Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP) and the Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Project (KISIP). It gives the objectives, strategies and components of each…
This article analyses the pilot public housing project in Kibera Soweto East in Nairobi under the Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP), courtesy of a partnership between the Government of Kenya and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme…
Quelle que soit la part de l'imagination dans le Voyage en Orient, que Gérard de Nerval a publié en 1851, il est possible d'y retrouver les traces du voyage qui, en 1843, l'a effectivement conduit au Caire puis à Constantinople. Le présent article…
Comme le font remarquer D.MILO ou M.AGULHON, l'histoire des noms de rues au XIX° siècle est marquée de pointes qui correspondent aux changements de régime politique. Lyon les subit comme Paris ou Parthenay. Cet article revient sur les ryhtmes, masses…
Différentes études ont été menées dans cette région qui est devenue une référence mondiale pour la stratigraphie du Quaternaire. Elles ont confirmé le caractère exceptionnel de cet enregistrement qui ne concerne pas que la seule ère quaternaire mais…
E-planning represents the use of electronic communication systems (e-mails, Internet, groupwares, ...) in regional and urban planning. Several planners and politicians have advocated the use of such tools in order to develop citizen participation.…
Les phénomènes de mobilité et de déplacement s'affirment comme des caractéristiques majeures de nos sociétés contemporaines. Pour autant, loin d'être fluides, homogènes ou linéaires, ces déplacements sont ponctués de temps, plus ou moins longs,…
This paper develops a spatial general equilibrium analysis of an agri-environmental policy in a suburban context. We present a static monocentric model of an open city where agricultural bid-rents and agricultural amenities vary endogenously in…