In urban China, urban resident annual earnings are 1.3 times larger than long term rural migrant earnings as observed in a nationally representative sample in 2002. Using microsimulation, we decompose this difference into four sources, with…
This paper analyzes the changes in public-private sector earnings differentials for local residents in urban China between 2002 and 2007. We find that earnings gaps across ownership sectors decreased during this period and that the convergence trend…
This paper examines how left-behind children influence return migration in China. We first present a simple model that incorporates economic and non-economic motives for migration duration (or intentions to return). Based on Dustmann (2003b), the…
In urban China, urban resident annual earnings are 1.3 times larger than long term rural migrant earnings as observed in a nationally representative sample in 2002. Using microsimulation, we decompose this difference into four sources, with…
Economic reforms in rural China have brought opportunities to diversify both within-farm activities and off-farm activities. Participation in these activities plays an important role in increasing rural households' income. This paper analyzes the…
This paper analyzes the impact of market liberalization on gender earnings differentials and discrimination against women in urban China at the beginning of the 1990s. The observed stability in the overall gender earnings gap between 1988 and 1995 is…
Using newly available spatial price deflators, this paper shows that inequality evaluations in the literature overstate the magnitude of inequality and inequality changes in China, as well as the role played by regional differences in the observed…
The massive downsizing of the state-owned sector and the concomitant impressive growth of the private sector at the end of the 1990s have altered the nature of the Chinese labor market. The introduction of market mechanisms has contributed to…
Vandermotten Christian, Jorissen Denis. Le logement social à Bruxelles depuis 1919.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1986-1. Logement et différenciations sociales dans les villes européennes - Housing and social differentiation in european cities.…
Les villes ont des odeurs, des couleurs, des ambiances…, qui les rendent reconnaissables entre toutes. Paris n’est pas Berlin ; Tours n’est pas Marseille ; Bordeaux n’est pas Toulouse. Il est difficile d’être neutre vis-à-vis de cet objet d’étude…
La mise en œuvre du RSA a modifié en profondeur le paysage des aides sociales en France. Une enquête ad hoc a été menée auprès de 189 villes de plus de 20 000 habitants ou communautés de communes, rassemblant 13 millions d'habitants, soit près de 20…
Until now, studies of urbanization in India have been based only on official urban figures as provided by Census surveys. This approach has inevitably introduced several avoidable biases into the picture, distortions which are further compounded by…
The concept of subaltern urbanisation refers to the growth of settlement agglomerations, whether denoted urban by the Census of India or not, that are independent of the metropolis and autonomous in their interactions with other settlements, local…
Up to now, studies of urbanization in India have been based only on official urban figures as provided by the Census Surveys. This approach has inevitably introduced several avoidable biases into the picture, distortions further compounded by…
Cet article propose une contribution au débat suscité par la publication du rapport annuel sur le développement dans le Monde 2009 de la Banque mondiale intitulé Repenser la géographie économique. Il recense et évalue les choix des séries de données…
Dans le cadre d'un dossier sur l'observation foncière, cet article fait le point sur les sources de l'analyse des dynamiques foncières. Ce faisant, il décrypte les tendances récentes de l'urbanisation pour les villes des pays en développement et dans…
Les villes de province égyptienne n'existent pas. Ou si peu. Difficile en effet de trouver des publications, des monographies à jour et pertinentes et encore moins des articles de synthèse traitant d'une ville égyptienne qui ne soit pas le Caire.…
What do we know about urbanisation in Africa? The classification systems of urban/rural areas differ from one country to another. As a consequence, international comparisons of urbanisation indicators or historical analyses of urban growth are…